Darlinghurst Public School

Quality Education, Quality Programs, Quality Opportunities

Telephone02 9331 4295


School Gate Access

General Access Guide

All external gates at the school are locked after 9am, and will be unlocked again at 3pm. Gates are kept locked throughout the day for the safety and security of all students and staff.

Please be aware that these times are a guide, as we may have to adjust the gate locking times depending on daily circumstances.

We ask that all parents needing to enter the school during the school day enter via Barcom Avenue at the driveway entrance gate. 

Late Slips / Early Leaver Slips

All children that arrive at school after 9am need to come via the Admin Office to collect a late slip.

Similarly, if you are picking up your child early for any reason, you will need to get an early leaver slip from the office before you collect your child. When possible, please email the classroom teacher to notify them off any early leaving arrangements beforehand.

Playground Access Before School

The playground opens at 8.30am. Please do not drop your children off before 8.30am, unless signed in with the Darlo Playcentre, as there is no supervision offered before this time.