Please visit our website, to download the enrolment form.
About Us
Darlo Play Centre is a non-profit, community based organisation sponsored by the Darlinghurst Public School P & C Association Inc and is managed by a sub-committee of the P & C.
The Service provides a before and after school care service to the children who attend Darlinghurst Public School.
Our Philosophy
Children are a valued and important part of our community. Every child at Darlo has a right to experience opportunities to realise their full potential through secure partnerships with caring responsible adults. At Darlo Play Centre the role of family is respected and the needs of children are central to the planning and management of the service.
- Before School Care: 7:00am-9:00am
- After School Care: 3:00pm-6:30pm
Current Fee Structure
For information on the current fee structure, please follow the link to our website
We are an approved service with Centrelink and all families are entitled to childcare assistance to receive a discount on their childcare fees.
The Centre's program of activities is developed to reflect the diversity of the community and to incorporate the views of the parents and children. The program encompasses activities which would be expected to be part of the life of school age children out side school hours taking into account the fact that some children may spend substantial periods of time in before and after school care.
Programs are designed in consultation with the children and based on each child's out of school hour's social, physical, emotional, recreational, intellectual and creative developmental needs.
A strong emphasis is placed on creative play and the child's free choice when participating in play experiences. Staff is diligent in ensuring that the participation in activities focuses on the process rather than the product.
Our Daily Routine
Darlo Play Centre aims to provide a homelike atmosphere for each individual child within a caring and stimulating environment. Children are free to choose their own activities or to participate in structured activities. The program aims to provide activities to suit all ages and interest, both indoors and outdoors. Craft and art activities are a normal part of the children's leisure activities and are offered every day at Darlo Play Centre.
Our Menu
The Centre ensures that food provided is nutritious and varied. The centre has all menu plans approved by nutritionists from the Southern Area Health Service.
Breakfast and afternoon snacks are provided daily. A menu is on display at the centre.
Purified Drinking water is provided on tap and available at all times.
Enrolment and more information
Permanent Places are allocated to families as per the Priority of Access Guidelines and on a first come, first served basis.
To register your child for Darlo Play Centre you can fill out the online enrolment form at and pay the applicable registration fee. The Director will be in contact with you once your registration has been processed.
You can obtain a registration form from the Centre return the completed form with the applicable registration fee. The Director will be in contact with you once your registration has been processed.