Darlinghurst Public School

Quality Education, Quality Programs, Quality Opportunities

Telephone02 9331 4295


Parent Information

Start and end dates for each Term in 2024.

Please visit the Darlo P&C Facebook Page for more information or email us directly at admin@ilovedarlo.com.au.

School Gate Access

Our school gate is open from 9am to 3pm.

For any access outside these hours, please call 02 9331 4295

Please visit the Darlo Playcentre website for all the latest information regarding Before & Afterschool care at www.darloplaycentre.com.au/

Please make sure you update your contact information (email, mobile, residential, and emergency contacts) with the Admin Office whenever it changes.

Information is regularly sent out via electronic means, and we want to make sure all parents and carers are kept up-to-date!